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Who can use a data room and why?


This is undoubtedly the main reason why most companies opt for a virtual data room. Access to data is restricted and only authorized persons can view stored information.

In addition to the basic features, data room providers offer a multitude of options to increase data security and privacy such as:

Ease of access and time saving

In today’s ultra-connected world, printing your files, storing them in binders and archiving them in a dedicated room within your company seems totally outdated. And what a waste of time! Indeed, if you need an archived document for a client, for example, you will have to go to find the right file, then you will have to scan the document and send it, and finally, you will have to return it to storage. All of this wastes time and productivity because while you’re digging through the company’s archives, you can’t move forward on your other projects.

A data room allows you to easily and efficiently exploit a large volume of data. You quickly find the document you are looking for and share it in just a few clicks. Most data rooms are equipped with a powerful search engine to make your job easier. And above all, the sharing of information is carried out in complete security.

Better access control

In business, it is essential to ensure that certain documents do not fall into the hands of the wrong people. By storing your documents in a data room, it is you, as the owner of the data, who defines the read and/or write access rights for the stored documents. Thus, you are assured that your files are not lost, that they are consulted by the persons concerned and you have control over the modifications made.

Practicality and transparency

Another advantage of data rooms is their ease of use. You can access it from anywhere, with any connected device (smartphone, tablet, laptop), unlike physical archive rooms.

In addition, data rooms favor transparency. They are equipped with a notification system that alerts you in real time of the changes made. You also have access to the activity history for each document: the total and detailed number of consultations (per day, per week, per month), the people who consulted it, the modifications made, etc. This information can prove to be strategic in the context of a transaction, for example.

Lower overhead

Since all your files are stored online, you no longer need to print them, so you will save money on office supplies such as printer cartridges and paper.


Faced with cybercrime, protecting your data is vital for all companies today. Their safety and reputation are at stake.

If you manage a large volume of confidential data, the use of a data room is essential. In addition to giving you a secure place to share your documents with selected people , you can control access to data and reduce the risk of your confidential information being leaked to strangers.

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