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SEO agency


Since 2000, the founder and CEO of our SEO agency has focused on web visibility for our clients. Today, Google’s expectations no longer hold any secrets for him, nor for the SEO teams since trained internally in Reims Bezannes and Paris. With constant questioning and more than 200 client sites already on the 1st page , the IMPAAKT Agency ensures you the best possible web visibility. We now operate everywhere in France, and obtain excellent results in both French and English.

Do you want to improve the SEO performance of your website? Our teams are at your service. For information, there are dangerous techniques when it comes to SEO . More precisely, we are referring to Black Hat SEO. If these methods can work in the short term, they are often penalized after a while. Indeed, Google regularly updates its algorithms to punish this kind of practice, considered as a desire to manipulate search results. If your site has been penalized, or is not in line with Google’s policies, you need to make changes.

When optimizing the SEO of a website, reaching the 1st page of Google results is the primary objective. For information, our SEO agency focuses on Google since this search engine monopolizes almost the entire market. In France, the other search engines share only 9% of the market. At the same time, remember that only the first page of results matters since 93% of Internet users will not see the results of the second page. However, being present in the first 10 results is interesting since the majority of French people make purchases only after having carried out searches on the web.

Referencing agency reims bezannes and paris

Undoubtedly, you want to achieve lasting results in Google after creating your website . And that is exactly what we offer you. Moreover, it is a virtuous circle. By being on the 1st page of Google on your keywords, your site is more consulted , which represents a positive signal for the latter. Thus, your website will be able to remain in good position in the long term. So don’t be surprised to see your qualified traffic explode once our SEO service has been completed. So, get ready to respond to many customer requests and to transform many more than today!

Choosing keywords is the first step in an effective SEO strategy. In this case, the goal is to get your site into the top 10 of search results on the selected terms. Of course, keywords should not be defined at random. In reality, a precise study will make it possible to retain the keywords related to your activity but also those most sought after each month. In this crucial step, you can count on the expertise of our SEO agency in Reims , Bezannes and Paris.

To define the SEO, it is all the techniques allowing to position a site in good place in the natural results of research. To achieve the expected results, it is then necessary to work on the website but also off the site. Here we refer to both on-page and off-page techniques regarding search engine optimization .

To go into more detail, our SEO agency works on title tags, meta-descriptions, internal and external networking but also web content . In this case, there are several schools when it comes to SEO. For example, some specialists swear by the semantic cocoon technique when others will favor massive but quality netlinking.

In general, however, remember that there are more or less secure techniques, divided into two categories: Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO. For example, an old technique was keyword stuffing, in other words the stuffing of keywords into the pages of the site. If it worked for a while, the algorithms were quick to spot these practices and punish them. Today, there are still Black Hat techniques that work. However, they will sooner or later be detected by Google’s algorithms and sanctioned . If we know them, we never use them.

Our natural referencing and SEO agency is therefore confined to White Hat techniques. Although they require a little more patience, they nevertheless make it possible to hoist a website on the first page of Google over time. For faster results, see our section on SEA (paid search).

Technology is constantly evolving and behaviors with it. Currently, voice searches are gaining in popularity. SEO experts are closely monitoring this new trend, which is growing from year to year. These new behaviors will then completely change the world of SEO. As you can imagine, we do not express ourselves in the same way orally and in writing . In this context, SEO will evolve. The approach to writing content for the web must also adapt. IMPAAKT, your organic SEO agency is already testing variations and technical solutions on this subject.

In fact, voice searches on the internet represent a recent but important evolution in the way we learn about search engines. Indeed, searching orally, therefore without writing, means that the answers provided by your voice assistant will turn out to be different. Thus, your SEO agency specializing in SEO now places voice SEO at the heart of its SEO strategies. And whether it is in the context of the creation of an e-commerce site or a showcase site.

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