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The steps to follow to establish a good SEO strategy


Do you want to be visible on the Internet and increase your organic traffic ? To do this, you need to know how to implement an effective SEO strategy . Then I give you all the necessary steps to develop your natural referencing strategy and make it sustainable. Be aware that by reading this article, you will have a considerable advantage over your competition. Indeed, it is the fourth pillar of SEO that is too often overlooked. After your reading, you will know why and how to optimize your website in a thoughtful and efficient way.

It is a detailed plan to improve the organic positioning of a website on search engines in order to obtain more natural traffic .

To achieve this, you must therefore ensure that you meet the requirements of the three fundamental pillars of organic referencing: technique, content and notoriety. Therefore, we can therefore consider that the SEO strategy is the fourth pillar to direct all the actions to be taken .

Identifier sa concurrence SEO

You can’t rush headlong and create an SEO strategy without knowing your competition. Indeed, the display of search engine results pages differs considerably depending on the theme of your business. There is therefore no universal way to proceed. Thus, you must adapt your actions and your ambitions according to the competitive reality of the SERP .

Illustrative image of SEO goals

Now that you know your competition , and of course have precisely defined your target audience , you can establish your objectives. As a reminder, the goal of your SEO strategy is to meet the requirements of Google’s algorithm while precisely responding to the search intent of Internet users. This preliminary work is therefore essential to be able to define your goals realistically.

Audit SEO

This work must of course be carried out by a natural referencing specialist . Indeed, for an in-depth analysis, the tools available online are not sufficient. You need a perfect knowledge of SEO and skills unique to the job of SEO.

Using this detailed document, you will know all the elements to optimize in order to have a website adapted to the referencing criteria of search engines. You will then be able to precisely define the priority elements to work on to improve your ranking on Google.

During this phase, you should focus on search engine recommendations and user experience . Below are the essential elements to achieve this.

Illustrative image of developing a content strategy

Content is king ! Certainly… but that does not mean that it is enough to work on it to succeed in your SEO strategy. It rather means that if you don’t have content to offer, the indexing robots will not know the theme of your site and the Internet user will not find an answer to what he is looking for. It is therefore essential not to neglect the other aspects of SEO.

As your simple intuition cannot be enough to develop an integral keyword strategy, I suggest you discover our complete content creation tool .

At the beginning of the development of your natural referencing strategy, you studied your competition in the SERP of Google. You have thus been able to determine the list of keywords that bring the most traffic and have the best potential for your visibility.

The thematic cluster is an extremely effective method to structure your content strategy. The technique is based on creating a pillar page , then creating additional pages dealing with each subject in its entirety.

You can then explore all aspects of a theme by creating a centralized content bank. This model not only makes it possible to best respond to Internet users’ requests, but also to demonstrate to Google that you are the essential specialist in your field.

Fortunately, the era of keyword stuffing and excessive repetition is over. What Internet users and search engines want is a complete, pleasant and revealing lexical field .

Editorial calendar

Once all these content analyzes have been carried out, the creation of an editorial plan is the final step for a successful SEO strategy . Indeed, you will gather all this data on a single document in order to plan all your future publications.

Once established, the publication calendar will allow a harmonization of your collaborators, the exact implementation of your SEO strategy and the respect of SEO factors . It is therefore an essential tool to be serene, save time and achieve your goals.

SEO content related to content marketing

SEO is only part of the larger content marketing strategy. And it may come as a surprise to you, but your website is not the only way to get organic traffic.

Positioning analysis

Using the KPIs that you have carefully put in place to measure the achievement of your objectives , you will be able to monitor the effectiveness of your SEO strategy on a monthly basis. You will then be able to understand the evolution of your traffic and adapt your next measures according to the results obtained.

On the other hand, you remain vigilant to the development of your competition and the appearance of new rivals. Because be sure, they also develop their SEO strategy on their side and also try to outclass you

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