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Web communication: why use a digital marketing agency?


While the year 2021 was marked by increased digitization of organizations (companies, institutions, associations, etc.) in all sectors of activity (commerce, health, automotive, luxury, etc.), new opportunities are offered to all future professionals who would choose to orient themselves in this constantly evolving field.

Here are 5 good reasons to consider a career in digital in 2023.

Digital is a recruiting sector

This is one of its many strengths: the digital sector is currently not experiencing the crisis. According to figures provided by Numeum , the professional organization of the digital ecosystem in France, the growth of the sector, which was initially estimated at 4.8% last July, was reassessed upwards to reach 6.3% in 2021. This strong increase can be seen in all aspects of digital, whether among publishers and cloud platforms (+9.5%), digital service companies (ESN, +4.4%) and in engineering and technology consulting activities (ICT, +5.9%). The outlook for 2023 is also up sharply with +7.1% forecast for this year.

The organization specifies that digital is for the 11th consecutive year creating jobs. In 2020, 4,600 jobs were created and the sector had 538,262 digital professionals in its ranks, for a turnover of 56.3 billion euros. Among the most popular disciplines currently, the job of IT developer is at the top of the most sought-after functions by recruiters in 2021, according to the survey conducted by the association for executive employment (Apec) published last December. This position is at the top of the 450 executive jobs observed over the last 12 months, thus representing 9% of the 19,630 job offers identified in 2021. According to Apec, these are mainly permanent jobs (98%) , which are open to young graduates (24%), and whose remuneration is between 33,000 euros and 52,500 euros.

Careers are not set in stone

One of the advantages offered by digital is the possibility of exercising several professions throughout one’s career. The paths of professionals in this sector are not set in stone and the positions are far from being compartmentalised.

With missions that are likely to evolve as you acquire new skills, you can work in many sectors of activity according to your desires, change position or discipline. A project manager can, for example, specialize in graphic design or web development, or vice versa.

If you show ambition, you will also be rewarded with the possibility of taking on more responsibility and attractive remuneration. A web developer will notably be able to progress and become lead developer, technical project manager or senior consultant.

The statutes can evolve according to his desires

By moving towards digital professions, you can also change status several times during your career. Digital professionals can thus start with a salaried job and become independent if they wish to carry out freelance missions . But the reverse is quite possible, if you feel the need to land in a more stable setting. Business creation is one of the many advantages offered in this sector, which remains open to the needs and desires of its main players.

You can also exercise your functions in different types of organizations: in business (micro-enterprise, VSE, SME, ETI (intermediate-sized company) or large groups), but also in management by being employed by an ESN (service company digital), in an agency, on behalf of a local authority, a ministry or an association. As digitalization has increased sharply in recent months, you benefit from multiple opportunities by launching your career in this field.

Digital professions are open to all profiles

Everyone has their place in digital! The important thing is to find the job that best suits you, in which you can flourish and evolve throughout your career. Are you more creative? Are you passionate about programming languages? Are you totally addicted to social networks or do you swear by data? From web design to data, via IT development, project management, e-commerce, web marketing or cybersecurity, you will find in digital the position best suited to your skills, whatever your profile.

Cybersecurity professions: profiles, salaries, employment, training…

Another advantage of digital: the sector is open to candidates from all walks of life. You may have started your career in one field (law, health, accounting, etc.) and add a digital brick to your previously acquired skills. This double culture, just like the continuous learning that allows training throughout one’s professional career, are an integral part of the digital DNA.

If hard skills are essential to practice your profession, it is also necessary to master certain soft skills sought after by recruiters, such as versatility, adaptability, responsiveness, but also curiosity or creativity. According to The Future of Jobs report published by the World Economic Forum in October 2020, here are the top 15 soft skills to master to work in digital by 2025:

Thanks to innovation and the continuous emergence of new technologies, digital is a constantly evolving sector. According to Pôle emploi , which is based on a study published by Dell and the Institute for the Future, 85% of the jobs of 2030 do not yet exist.

Artificial intelligence or robotics will not only profoundly transform existing professions but create new ones, the outlines of which are still difficult to draw, such as ethicists or psydesigners. Robotician, data scientist, civilian drone pilot, 3D printer, BIM manager…. Companies are snapping up these rare profiles which concern many professional sectors.

After resisting the crisis well, the French digital market is experiencing very promising growth, stimulated by the digital transformation of organizations. However, digital companies still face a significant talent shortage. If we want to bet on the future, training must be a priority to counter the rapid obsolescence of technical skills and respond to the rapid evolution of professions in the sector, analyze Godefroy de Bentzmann and Pierre-Marie Lehucher, co-presidents of Numeum.

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